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Sailing the British Virgin Islands aboard Arabella

In Gallery Collection, General, Travel by jfischerLeave a Comment

I’ll never forget the look on my friends face when she said she was leaving the company we both worked for and was taking a position on a yacht to be a deck hand and steward.  It was the same look I get when I start planning my next photography adventure – only this was that glimmer a hundred times over.  She was, to put it lightly, floating on air.  And soon she’d be floating on the ocean – aboard the gorgeous 3-masted schooner Arabella.  As she gushed over the …

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Long Exposure Landscapes

In Gallery Collection, Learning Center, Tips and tricks, Tutorials by jfischerLeave a Comment

Photographs have the ability to not only show the world as it is – but also show the world as it would be if the eye was infinitely adaptable and controllable.  After all, that is essentially what a camera is, an eye that the photographer can control in ways to capture the world in ways well beyond what any human eye can.  From capturing the Milky Way in all of its detail and beauty, or freezing the exact moment a Great Blue Heron snatches a fish from the shallows, or …